
Behind the success of the world’s ICT phenomenon

Ayming Institute

In Slovakia, we have a company that belongs to world’s leaders in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). Aliter Technologies operates in Bratislava and also in Toronto and Prague. Ayming is very proud to cooperate with such inspirational and successful client. Ing. Ervín Haramia, Chairman of the Board, told us about the company’s innovation success, cyber security, but also about the unmanned airship. He explained why is cooperation with Ayming so important!

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It is said that many successful foreign innovative companies started working modestly in their homes. Later they became large and well-known companies. Was this the same in your case?

I don’t want it to sound like a cliché, but our beginnings were exactly the same as those of the world’s great business giants. As a new business entity at that time, we simply had no choice but to rent a three-room flat in Bratislava. We had five employees, and under the name Aliter Consulting, s.r.o. We worked as a consulting and advisory company in the field of special communication and information systems. Later, we transformed into a technology company. We had our own development, products and innovative solutions for our customers and partners. All this was done in the spirit of the Latin word “aliter”. It means “doing things differently”.

So what do you do differently from the competition?

We are recognized experts in the ICT and software development. We deliver sophisticated and unique technological solutions tailored to client needs. Our products and solutions are used by international organizations such as NATO, the United Nations, EDA, and global security and defence technology companies and suppliers.

How did NATO rank among your clients?

Aliter Technologies was the first ICT company in Slovakia in 2009 to sign a framework agreement with the predecessor of today’s NCI Agency. It is one of the largest and most important agencies in the North Atlantic Alliance. Because of this fact, our company actively participates in international competitions in which we have successfully delivered 28 projects so far. It is an honour for us to be able to work for such an important international organization.

“At the present, the vast majority of cyber attacks are because of profit.”

In the context of ICT, you have also begun to deal with cyber security. What leads attackers to carry out cyber attacks?

At the present, the vast majority of cyber attacks are because of profit. The attacker aims to obtain a reward in the form of a ransom, the so-called ransomware, either for decrypting the systems or for not disclosing the stolen information. If the damaged data owner is unwilling to pay the ransom, the attacker may consider an alternative to selling the stolen data on the black market. The average global cost of data leakage was USD 4.24 million in 2021, an increase of almost 10% compared to 2020. It follows that any system that has the potential to meet the profit potential for an attacker can be the target of a cyber attack.

We will continue with security. You have developed an unmanned airship for air monitoring. Can you tell us more about this innovation success?

SILWA (Silent Watcher) is a 13.5 m long airship that allows noiseless long-term air monitoring, surveillance and reconnaissance, including safe flights over densely populated areas. In addition, it also provides a radio converter service to increase the range of radio communication.

Why was the innovation of airship developed?

SILWA can be used in various military or civilian situations, such as searching for lost persons, wounded or suspicious people, monitoring the traffic situation and crisis areas, cultural and sporting events, borders and forests, or detecting fires.

Why is SILWA so special?

It has a powerful camera system with day and night operation and state-of-the-art integrated communication technologies that enable encrypted communication. SILWA is also unique in that it does not need to be loaded by gravity. Helium keeps its weight quietly in the air which is one of the advantages over drones.

Another of your products – the VIMA drone literally had its world première during this year’s Holy Mass with the Pope in Šaštín, where it oversaw the safety of this event. How is your drone different from others on the market?

Our captive VIMA drone, i.e. a virtual mast, is, so to speak, “perpetuum mobile”. In the world of drones, that means it can operate in the air for literally tens of hours without interrupting the flight. It is powered via a cable. VIMA can operate in a completely autonomous mode, while ensuring the retransmission of the radio signal to the ground from a height of up to 100 meters, as well as the transmission of live HD videos from the day and night camera.

How was the monitoring in Šaštín performed?

Our drone operated for 24 hours and its main task was to oversee the safety of the event participants. With the help of a day camera, we provided detailed monitoring of the entire area around the complex. The live image from the cameras was broadcast to the event’s control and command centre where the organizer had the opportunity to make operational decisions about the safety of the participants.

During the pandemic, you also helped Slovak paramedics. What led you to this?

The beginning of the pandemic brought concern for the health of each of us as well as our loved ones. We were aware of the importance and dedication of the people working in the front line against Covid-19. Within our production capacities, we produced protective equipment for healthcare professionals, which was initially severely in short supply. In this difficult situation caused by the global pandemic, Aliter Technologies has tried and is trying to help. The company equipped several high-traffic areas, such as entrances to large administrative institutions or hospitals, with temperature frames, used its 3D printers in the production of shield holders, and supplied the first-line with protective means and disinfectants.

A lot of top managers relax in the countryside. How is it with you?

I come from a small village near the River Danube. So thanks to my father, I have a warm relationship with nature. If I have some free time, I go cycling and for a walk with my dog for at least half an hour. At weekends, I usually dress in a hunting suit and go to the hunting ground with my observation binoculars. So I greet “my” alleys and small woods, forests, meadows and fields. There I know every tree, shrub and blade of grass. So I feel indescribable well-being and relaxation even without carrying a hunting weapon. These are my magical moments. Because of that, I am charged with positive energy, that I need to do my work well during the week.

„In cooperation with Ayming, we appreciate the professional approach, clear communication with our professional workers and clear outputs. A prompt response to our requests is a matter of course.“

Ing. Ervín Haramia, Aliter Technologies

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