
R&D Tax Credits


Webinár, na ktorom otvoríte dvere inováciám! Superodpočet ako skrytá výhoda pre Vás

Otvorte dvere inováciám Na najnovšom bezplatnom webinári od Ayming sa budeme zaoberať témou, ktorú mnohí inovatívni podnikatelia podceňujú alebo nepoznajú…
Superodpočet na výskum a vývoj
Superodpočet v Q1 2022
Uplatnenie superodpočtu dosiahlo za FY 2022 viac ako 43 miliónov EUR
Odpočet na výskum a vývoj za FY 2022 Čoraz viac spoločností si uvedomuje význam inovácií, ich prínos pre našu krajinu…
Uplatnenie superodpočtu dosiahlo za FY 2022 viac ako 43 miliónov EUR
Re-making manufacturing 1
Stiahnite si túto publikáciu a získajte vstup ZDARMA na prestížny veľtrh Hannover Messe (17. – 21. apríla 2023)! Ste pripravení…
Re-making manufacturing 1
Úspech inovatívnej firmy
From the bottom to the TOP of IT and electrical engineering in Slovakia
You just have to want and not stop at any obstacle „A lot of customers come to us with issues…
From the bottom to the TOP of IT and electrical engineering in Slovakia
Aliter Technologies innovation
Behind the success of the world’s ICT phenomenon
In Slovakia, we have a company that belongs to world’s leaders in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT).…
Behind the success of the world’s ICT phenomenon
Super-deduction on R&D can help companies in crises
Learn more about the advantages of super-deduction on R&D in Slovakia.
Super-deduction on R&D can help companies in crises
Building innovation Business Insight Note
Work in progress
The construction industry has a reputation for ingrained conservatism, where progress is prey to rigidly traditional ways of working, contractual…
Work in progress